
Southwood Primary School

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Southwood Primary School

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Breakfast & After School Club

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club runs every day during term-time from 7.30am. Children can be dropped off between 7.30 and 8.30am and are given a breakfast consisting of toast, cereal, fruit and juice. They then have an opportunity to play some simple games. The price of this is £4.00 per day. Breakfast club is very popular! 


After School Club

Hosted in the Lower School Hall after school, the club provides a safe and fun environment for children whose parents need a childcare option at the end of the day. The club runs until 5pm daily. Children are given a snack and have a wide selection of toys and games to play with, or we may take them outside to play in the Quad or the Playground.  The price of the after-school club is £5.60 for a session.  


Bookings should be made by 7am for the breakfast club and by 1pm for after school club through ParentPay and we expect all accounts to be kept in credit.


For more information on either of our Extended Schools options, please do contact the School Office.
