At Southwood Primary School, PSHE is of the utmost importance in developing our pupils’ knowledge and skills to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. The teaching of fundamental British values is weaved into the full curriculum. Children are encouraged to develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world, as well as their place in it. Our curriculum is designed to ensure our children know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle and provide first hand experiences which develop natural curiosity and a love of learning. It is progressive so that children are aware of how to keep themselves and others safe, including how to use online platforms safely and positively. As pupils progress through the school, their growing knowledge about healthy relationships, differences and individuality helps pupils develop their resilience, perseverance, self-esteem to ensure our children develop as confident and responsible citizens. Skills and knowledge are personal, social and health based, and are sequenced to provide an understanding of how we can all be positive, active members of the community.
As part of our curriculum design, led by Jigsaw, PSHE at Southwood Primary is taught in and as part of topics throughout the year so that children can achieve depth in their learning. Jigsaw consists of six half-term units of work (puzzles), each containing six lessons (pieces) covering each academic year. Every piece has two Learning Intentions, one specific to Relationships and Health education (PSHE) and the other designed to develop emotional literacy. SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) development opportunities are mapped throughout. All of these pieces of learning are brought together to form a cohesive picture, helping children to know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in the world.
Teachers are supported to identify the key knowledge and skills of each topic and these are mapped across the school to ensure that knowledge is built progressively and skills are developed systematically. Existing knowledge is checked at the beginning of each topic. Children are asked what they already know and what they would like to find out. This ensures that teaching is informed by the children’s starting points and that it takes account of pupil voice, incorporating children’s interests. Tasks are selected and designed to provide appropriate challenge to all learners, in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion. At the end of each topic, key knowledge is reviewed and consolidated as necessary. Children complete an assessment to inform teachers of what they have learnt and what they have enjoyed. PSHE is well resourced and specific resources are mapped to specific year groups and topics to support effective teaching and learning.
Our pupils will understand how to be part of a community, work with others, appreciate diversity and recognise and be proud of their own strengths. They will know how to keep themselves safe in school, at home and in the wider community. They will be able to make informed choices about finances and begin to think about how to be financially literate in adulthood. Pupils will leave Southwood as confident individuals who contribute to the wider society through their ability to recognise right from wrong. They will show respect and tolerance for all faiths and backgrounds and know how to be safe in an ever changing world.
Our PSHE books evidence a broad and balanced curriculum and demonstrate children’s acquisition of identified key knowledge relating to each of the identified curriculum strands, as appropriate to each key stage.
We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following strategies:
Teacher judgements are formed as to whether pupils are working towards or expected for their conceptual understanding, knowledge and skills. As part of monitoring carried out by the PSHE lead, pupils are interviewed to moderate teacher based assessments. This is also supported by the scrutiny of year group books, lesson observations and environment checks to ensure that there is correct delivery of the curriculum and to highlight areas for improvement.