For the academic years 23/24 and 24/25, the Mayor of London has provided funding so every child in Reception to Year 6 no longer has to pay for a school dinner. They are entitled to universal free school meal.
Pupil Premium Grant & Free School Meal Holiday Vouchers
Parents/carers should still apply for entitlement to Free School Meals for their child as if they are eligible, the Government gives the school an extra £1,455 per eligible pupil to support teaching and learning in the school, this is called the Pupil Premium Grant. Following the pandemic, the Government has also given additional funding to local councils, and this has been distributed to families with pupils entitled to Free School Meals in the form of holiday vouchers.
To make an application, please use the following link:
Free school meals (Pupil Premium) | London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (
Please contact the School Office if you need any further information.
Please send your child's lunch to school in a named lunchbox. Whilst we leave it to your discretion as to what is provided, we ask you to consider healthy options and also not to include fizzy drinks, chocolates, sweets or more than 1 packet of crisps. Drinks must be in plastic containers.
As part of our environmental education we would like to encourage you to consider the amount of packaging that some convenience items use and look for alternatives which do not use packaging and are probably cheaper ie: cheese strings or individually wrapped small cheeses could be substituted with a piece of cheese cut from a larger block and wrapped in cling film or in a plastic tub