
Southwood Primary School

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Southwood Primary School

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Who's Who




My name is Miss Tyler and I am Southwood’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Coach. I work with group intervention and or 1-1 interventions for children that would benefit from additional social and emotional support. We offer a safe space for children to develop their self-esteem, practice communication skills and deal with significant changes that may be happening in their lives. If you think that your child would benefit from my support, please make an appointment at the office and I will be happy to meet you.







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My name is Miss Veysi and I am Southwood’s SENCO. I am here to support children with special educational needs and/ or disabilities. Please make an appointment at the office if you think that your child may have additional needs or require extra support.


My name is Miss Dobson and I am Southwood’s Thrive and Parent Coach. So what is Thrive? Thrive is an intervention programme designed to help all children to develop their social and emotional well-being, enabling them to engage with life and learning. If you think Thrive would benefit your child, please come and speak to me on the playground or make an appointment with the office.


My name is Mrs Wiseman and I am Southwood’s Thrive and Family and Coach. I am here to offer support to families creating a link between home and school. I also run a number of training courses for parents/carers which encourages children to be happy and confident. No problem is too big or too small to be discussed; so please come and find me out in the playground before and after school.



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My name is Miss Easter and I am Educator within our Blossom Room. The Blossom Room is Southwood’s high needs provision for children who struggle to access their learning in the mainstream classroom.


My name is Mrs Lyons and I am Southwood’s HLTA for our children with English as an additionallanguage (EAL). I assess new children, run interventions and offer support in class. If your child is new to English and you think they may need some extra support, please come and speak to me.


My name is Mr O’Byrne and I am Southwood’s Inclusion Lead. I work with the team to coordinate our provision to best meet the needs of our children and the community in which we serve. 



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My name is Tyrone and I am Southwood's Social and Resilience Coach. I support all members of our community overcome challenges and barriers to be the best they can be. I support colleagues, children, parents, carers and services with their thinking and practical ideas on how to overcome adversity and challenge. I am one of the lead thinkers in the school around Restorative Practice and I am striving to minimise conflict and support those in conflict through the use of non-violent communication strategies. We are always working towards being the best version of ourselves and being the best school! 


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My name is Miss Goosetree and I am an Educator within our Blossom Room. The Blossom Room is Southwood’s high needs provision for children who struggle to access their learning in the mainstream classroom.



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My name is Mrs Kinggett and I am an Educator within our Blossom Room. The Blossom Room is Southwood’s high needs provision for children who struggle to access their learning in the mainstream classroom.



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My name is Mr Taylor and I am Southwood's Therapeutic Health Coach. I provide Therapeutic support to the school, the children and members of the community when the need arises. I work with the Inclusion team to integrate therapeutic practice into the daily life of school. 


