Southwood Primary School is an inclusive mainstream school. We treat pupils as individuals, providing them with equality of opportunity and an education that is suited to their needs. We are an inclusive school, welcoming every child and their family, regardless of their ability or background. We have high expectations for all of our pupils and encourage all to engage in every aspects of school life.
Southwood Primary School Inclusion Support (
The key questions/ information below describes the provision and support that we offer for children identified as having Special Educational Needs.
The Local Authority's offer can be accessed here
SEND - Key Questions/ Information
| Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) | Inclusion Manager | Special Educational Needs Governor |
Name | Miss Megan Veysi | Mr Jason O’Byrne | Ms Watling |
Contact Details | | | |
How do we ensure that children who need extra help are identified early?
At Southwood there is a high expectation of all teaching staff that they know their children well. If a teacher has concerns about a child this will initially be discussed informally with the phase leader/SENCo who will offer advice. Class teachers meet each term with the SENCo to discuss pupils who are not making adequate progress, based on their teacher assessment and data from termly assessments. A discussion takes place, and the class teacher, with the support of the SENCo, identifies the area of need and plans appropriate in-class intervention and support for the pupil.
What should a parent do if they think their child may have special educational needs?
If parents have a concern about their child they can speak to the class teacher and arrange an appointment to discuss their concerns. If you would like to meet with a member of the Inclusion Team, an appointment can be made through the office. Please look out for our Inclusion Team Coffee Mornings that happen every term where you can discuss concerns with a member of our team.
What needs could my child have?
In the SEND Code of Practice (2014), need is broken down into four areas.
STEP 1: Quality First Teaching (Concern) | |||
Assess | Plan | Do | Review |
Assessments identify that a child is not making progress or a specific area seems to be a barrier. Identified by class teacher, SENCO or head teacher during pupil progress meetings or in everyday teaching
Parental Concern
| The class teacher will ensure there is targeted provision on the whole class provision map.
Additional differentiation and support | Pre and post teaching and learning within a small group.
Adult Support
Peer Support
Focused marking | Assessments reviewed during pupil progress meetings to evaluate impact of provision. |
Step 2: Child moves onto SEN register (SEN Support) | |||
Assess | Plan | Do | Review |
Analysis of standardised assessments to pinpoint specific need. SEN teacher toolkit used to assess needs.
Discussion with SENCO to complete move onto SEN register under one of the following categories:
Attendance Check | SEN provision completed on whole class provision map to identify specific intervention programmes and provision.
Parents involved during parents evening or at agreed time to support provision planning. | Interventions to be delivered as drawn up on timetable. Monitoring of interventions by SENCO. | Formative and summative assessments used to evaluate the impact of intervention.
Discussed during pupil progress meetings. |
Parents and pupils involved and their views gained to help create profile.
Step 3: SEN Support- Personalised Learning Plan/Outside Agency Involvement | |||
Assess | Plan | Do | Review |
Appropriate referral made for outside agency support. The following agencies may be used:
Advisory Service (SAS)
Development Centre (CDC)
outreach service
Language Support
to identify correct support
| A PLP will be drawn up by the class teacher, supported by the SENCO taking into account pupil and parent views and any recommendations from outside agencies. | PLP actions to be delivered on a daily basis alongside identified interventions.
Staff may be supported with training from outside agencies. | Review meetings will take place with all professionals involves, parents and pupils.
Formative and summative assessments will feed into this. |
Step 4: Request for Education Health Care Plan | |||
Assess | Plan | Do | Review |
At least two cycle of personalised learning plans will have been implemented and reviewed. A request for an EHC plan will be discussed with all during a review meeting.
If agreed the SENCO will begin to collate paperwork to move forward with the assessment. | EHC Plan to be drafted and submitted | Implement the EHC plan using outside agencies and identified training. | Termly reviews with parents, pupils and outside agencies.
Annual Reviews for LA. |
What do we do to help children with special educational needs?
All teachers are teachers of SEND and so the expectation is that children’s needs are met through quality first teaching and effective differentiation. There are teaching assistants in classes who work alongside the class teacher to support the learning all of the children either individually or as part of a small group. We have termly pupil progress review meetings with the class teacher, deputy or head teacher. At these meetings, the learning needs of the pupils are identified and a discussion takes place to determine the best intervention/support for the pupil. If the teacher is concerned that there is a specific SEND need, a referral will be made to the SENCO for an assessment to be carried out.
How do teachers match the curriculum and their teaching for children with special educational needs?
Teachers plan so that all children have the opportunity to access all of the national curriculum subjects. Lessons are planned and support is put in place to enable all children to access the learning. If a child has an Educational Health Care Plan (EHC) they will have a Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) with individual targets. If you feel that your child may need a PLP, please speak to their class teacher.
How do we allocate and match our resources to the needs of the child?
Identification and assessment procedures for pupils causing concern:
Step 1: High Quality Teaching for all pupils
Step 2: Regular termly assessment for ALL pupils to discuss children who are not making good progress or are below age expected levels- interventions and support will be put in place based on the need
Step 3: If the teacher still remains concerned about a child’s progress or levels, a referral will be made to the SENCo or Social Inclusion Lead who will observe the child in class and work alongside the class teacher to put support in place
Step 4: Sometimes the SENCo or Social Inclusion Lead may need to seek advice from specialist agencies, if this is the case, they will make a referral for specialist intervention from one of the following agencies: Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service , Community Paediatric Team, Targeted Family Support, Educational Psychologists or Speech and Language Therapists.
How do we involve pupils with special educational needs and disability in their education at Southwood Primary School?
Pupils are consulted and their views sought through various tools depending on their age and ability. Children with SEND are asked about their own strengths and weaknesses when class teachers are developing class provision maps and personalised learning plans. Pupils complete questionnaires about their learning and school life each year.
Involvement will be tailored to children and take into account their preferred methods of communication. This may include:
We will make sure that assessments include the wishes and feelings of the child, their aspirations, their strengths and weaknesses, the outcomes they wish to seek and the support they need to achieve them. Whenever possible we include pupils with SEND in planning how best to support them, and in reviewing their progress. This may include their attendance at a person centred review.
What services can the school offer children with additional needs?
At Southwood we have lots of in-house support that children can access, these include:
How accessible is our school environment?
Southwood is wheelchair accessible with ramps at both main entrances and disabled toilets. Corridors are wide enough for wheelchairs to move around freely and the second storey of the building can be accessed by a lift. Please take a look at our Accessibility Plan for further details.
Jargon Buster
EHC | Educational Health Care Plan |
SEND | Special Educational Needs and Disabilities |
SENCO | Special Educational Needs Coordinator |
SALT | Speech and Language Therapy |
CAMHS | Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service |
EP | Educational Psychologist |
ASD | Autistic Spectrum Disorder |
GLD | Global Learning Delay |
SEMH | Social, Emotional Mental Health |