School Uniform
Pupils at Southwood Primary School are expected to come to school wearing school uniform. Uniform can be purchased from any retailer although branded items are available to order online at: Khalsa Schoolwear
For any families who need help with school uniform, we do have a limited stock of nearly new uniform. Please speak to one of our Social Inclusion team: Mr O'Byrne, Tyrone, Miss Dobson, Miss Bird, Miss Easter or Miss Harrington and we will arrange for the items you require to be made available for pick-up from The Zone.
All uniform, including shoes, should be named. Uniform that is not named cannot be easily returned to its owner. Unclaimed school uniform is kept in lost property in cupboards close to the KS1 and KS2 entrances. Any uniform that remains unclaimed, despite our best efforts, will either be made available as nearly new for others or given to charity at the end of each term.
Details of our school uniform are as follows:
School Uniform | PE Kit |
Pupils not wearing the correct school uniform will be reminded which item of uniform did not meet school expectations. This will be followed by a phone call home if incorrect uniform continues to be worn. available.