Sport at Southwood Primary School
What we Offer
Through our PE, School Sports and Physical Activity we endeavour to use our whole school vision to encourage pupils to make the most of every opportunity they may come across.
We use every opportunity within our PE lessons, our school sports at intra and inter level, our team training, our inclusive and adapted sports, our SEND sports teams and our physical activity sessions to support our pupils to become independent, responsible, Caring and considerate pupils who are able to see the self-worth in their own ability and efforts. We aim for all of our pupils to be Healthy, happy, Sociable young people, Self-motivated, determined, positive and Honest, Hard working and aspirational, confident, independent learners, Creative, Curious and critical thinkers, Collaborators, innovators, Respectful and responsible, Communicate well with peers and Adults.
Aims and Objectives of Physical Education
To maintain and stimulate pupils’ interests and enjoyment in physical activity.
To promote exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle.
To engage and include all pupils with learning that is challenging and that meets the pupils’ individual needs.
To challenge the More Able pupils to ensure their learning experience is enhanced & provide progression
To provide appropriate resources so that it allows all pupils to have equal opportunity to experience success and enjoyment in PE.
To deliver lessons with high expectations of all pupils enabling them to learn exceptionally well.
To effectively check pupils’ understanding throughout lessons and use this information to adapt lesson.
To provide constructive feedback to pupils and encourage peer and self-assessment.
To help enhance pupils’ self-esteem through the development of their physical confidence and personal qualities.
To develop pupils’ knowledge of rules and regulations of the activities including the role of officials (Upper KS2 and lower if appropriate).
To enhance pupils’ awareness of the safety issues concerned with these activities and help them develop a sense of responsibility towards participating in physical activity
To encourage teamwork, support, tolerance and co–operation
To provide opportunities for all pupils to participate in inclusive Intra competitions at (Level 1).
To provide opportunities for pupils to participate in inclusive Inter competitions ( level 2 )
To provide opportunities for SEND children to participate in competitions
This year, at Southwood Primary School, we have entered more sport competitions than ever before. Here is a selection of pictures from some of our competitions
School Games Award
We are pleased to announce that for the 3rd year running we have achieved the School Games Gold Mark (our Gold mark hasd been carried forward for the 19/20 academic year)
The School games award is a government lead award Scheme.
Facilitated by the Youth Sports Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competitions across their school and in the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.
With a total of young people competing in Local inter school competitions this year, we are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of school sport including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who have made our competition possible.