
Southwood Primary School

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Southwood Primary School

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Design & Technology @ Southwood


At Southwood Primary school, we believe Design and Technology is a creative process, involving children in learning about the world we live in. We aim to enable children to become autonomous and creative problem-solvers, both as individuals and as part of a team. By engaging in Design and Technology, children will research and investigate a variety of products related to the relevant aspect of D&T that they will be studying. Our balanced and varied curriculum will allow pupils to use their creativity and imagination to design and make products making links between other areas of the curriculum.


Through reflection and evaluation of their finished products, pupils will begin to develop a critical understanding of its uses, effectiveness and impact on daily life and the wider world.


Design and Technology is taught through blocked units of work (one per term), delivered by the class teacher.


Key Stages 1 and 2

The National Curriculum Programme of study provides the basic framework for teaching and learning in Design and Technology. At Southwood, the scheme ‘Projects on a Page’ is beginning to be implemented as a resource to support planning and delivery.

Long term planning identifies a termly focus for each year group. Each termly unit of work is carefully planned to ensure that the necessary prior learning is covered to develop progression of skills.


The activities planned incorporate one of the following areas:

KS1- structures, mechanisms, textiles and food

KS2- structures, mechanical systems, electrical systems, food and textiles.



Through our Design and Technology curriculum, pupils will:

 • develop their knowledge, and learn the techniques and skills needed to design and make high-quality prototypes and products.

• learn how to critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products, as well as the work of others.

• understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.


Assessment of learning in Design Technology is an ongoing monitoring of children's understanding, knowledge and skills throughout lessons by the class teacher, through pupil voice, teacher questioning and unit evaluations.


We are growing our own potatoes

We are taking part in the McCain growing in schools programme and will have a competition amongst year groups, to see who can grow the best potatoes! Our amazing team in the kitchen, will then take our produce and cook it with the children. 


Let the growing commence!



Potato Through Time
